Action C.16: Hydrographic model simulations for Malta’s marine waters to quantify and investigate pressures in the marine environment
Concrete action

The objective of this action is to set up and run basic elements of the modelling and observation systems required to develop the baseline hydrographic knowledge for Malta’s nearshore and offshore waters, and to use this baseline data to characterise pressures and impacts on the marine environment.

  • LEAD BENEFICIARYEnvironment and Resources Authority (ERA); Physical Oceanography Research Group (Dept. of Geosciences, UNIVERSITY OF MALTA)
  • LOCATIONMaltese Islands
  • STATUSOngoing
  • KEYWORDS Hydrographic model,
  • RELATED ACTIONS A.3, A.7, A.8,
Photo of action
Photo of action

Primary models will be developed for the oceanographic characterisation of Malta’s waters through hydrographical modelling, complementing and enhancing the resolution of existing models run by the Physical Oceanography Research Group, targeting to link to COPERNICUS CMEMS boundary conditions and targeting to develop super resolution models to resolve the hydrological characteristics in nearshore and coastal areas. This will provide the basis to lead to process models needed to make targeted assessments, namely: (i) the extent of coastal waters which are affected by storm water run-off reaching the marine environment at major catchment nodes and (ii) the role of transboundary sources in levels of contaminants and litter in Malta’s marine environment will be simulated. This Action will put Malta at a par with leading countries in the competence to assess coastal regimes and provide important baseline knowledge for the scientific assessment of the state of health of the marine ecosystem.  

This action will address the deficiency in hydrographic data and will not only enable assessment of changes to the hydrological regime, but will also enable the characterisation of pressures resulting from the land-sea interface as well as identification of pressures/impacts of trans-boundary origin.