NAWAMED Final Conference “Celebrating Transformative Water Management Innovations”

11 Sep, 2023    |   by RBMP Life   |   

The ENI CBC MED NAWAMED final event, held at the Europa Hotel in Latina (Lazio Region, Italy), was a significant milestone for the project. NAWAMed complements the RBMP LIFE Malta project.

The event began with a press briefing, allowing media representatives to learn about NAWAMED's groundbreaking achievements. The project aimed to revolutionize urban water management with sustainable, cost-effective treatment technologies, promoting the use of non-conventional water (NCW) instead of potable water.

A round table discussion among project partners and local stakeholders fostered collaboration and knowledge sharing. This dialogue aimed to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the project's impact.

The event concluded with the screening of the project's movie, "Gocce di Rugiada" (Drops of Dew), promoting Nature-based Solutions (NbS) and the use of non-conventional water resources (NCWR).

On the 19th of July, the NAWAMED partnership held its final project meeting to discuss concluding activities leading up to the project's end in September 2023.

For more information, visit these websites:


Learn About "Gocce di Rugiada" (Drop Dew)