Action C.10: Industrial Discharges – Enforcement Augmentation and Sustainability
Concrete action

The main scope of this action will be the building-up of the technical capacity of the Discharge Permit Unit (DPU) and the Laboratory in its supporting function within the Water Services Corporation, in terms of personnel, equipment, procedures and more in depth knowledge about the challenges faced by the sewer network. This will allow the DPU to direct its efforts towards those areas which are contributing to lowering of the quality of the sewage.

Photo of action
Photo of action

The action will be tackling the improvement in the enforcement capacity of the DPU due to an increase in manpower, investment in new equipment and also adoption of better enforcement practices. This will enable the DPU to be more effective when planning and performing its inspections. Additionally, from this project DPU will be able to obtain a clearer picture of the areas within the sewer network which have a consistently lower wastewater quality. This targeted approach will allow DPU to concentrate more time and effort towards the areas which are more at risk, thus implementing a risk-based approach towards inspections. The result of this action will increase the potential production capacity of New Water through the improvements brought about by better and more effective enforcement by the DPU.