EWA Officers Present Innovative Water Projects at International Conference

27 Oct, 2023    |   by RBMP Life   |   


Narva, Estonia – Two officers from the Environmental Water Agency (EWA) have been invited to present innovative water projects at the international conference "The Interplay of Water and Politics: Understanding the Influence of Water Management on Decision-making," set to take place on October 25-26, 2023, in Narva, Estonia.

The conference, organized by the LIFE IP CleanEST project, provided a platform for experts, tech-professionals, scientists, policymakers, universities, and stakeholders to discuss contemporary water management challenges and solutions. EWA's participation in this international event highlights their commitment to sustainable water management.

EWA's Projects at the Conference

National Water Conservation Campaign: The first project focused on the implemention of a national water conservation campaign, emphasizing public involvement and behavior change to reduce water consumption and promote sustainable practices.

Water Efficiency Labels for Education: The second project explores the use of water efficiency labels as educational tools, similar to energy efficiency labels, to inform consumers about water-saving choices and encourage more sustainable water management practices.

The International Conference Overview

The conference included presentations, panel discussions, practical workshops, and interactive activities on topics such as environmental impact, funding opportunities for water projects, and the promotion of information and awareness in water management and environmental protection. Discussions also highlighted the importance of the green transition in water management and the collaboration within stakeholders.

This conference offered an excellent opportunity for EWA to share their projects, collaborate with experts from around the world, and contribute to the global dialogue on responsible water management. The conference was enriching with ideas exchange and innovative solutions to address water management challenges. This event represented a significant step in safeguarding our most precious resource: water.