Action C.5: Water App/Water Game
Concrete action
The main objective of this action is to focus on consumer trends and guide them towards doing minor behavioural changes that contribute to their households becoming more efficient with their water usage. The action thus seeks to educate consumers on ways to improve water use and cost through a medium (smartphone/tablet) which is widely used by consumers throughout the day. Such applications should indirectly make users more aware of their water consumption.
The main objective of this action is to focus on consumer trends and guide them towards doing minor changes that add up to households becoming more efficient with their water usage. The particular focus of this action is on the use of IT based applications to raise awareness and educate consumers on ways to improve water use and cost through a medium (smartphone/tablet) which is widely used by consumers throughout the day.
The action proposes to reach its objective through the development of a water consumption app, and a water consumption game, both of which will be freely available (downloadable) to consumers.