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This project aims to improve the evidence base for anchoring and mooring impacts to allow identification of risks to sensitive features from anchoring and mooring. This will help t ...
Recreational boating is a globally significant nature-based industry, which can degrade sensitive benthic habitats through physical damage from anchors. Mooring buoys can eliminate ...
Ports are coming under increasing pressure to manage their operations in an environmentally sustainable manner. This pressure comes from legal requirements, national agencies, plan ...
Recreational boating is an important, growing leisure activity on the island of Mallorca, Balearic Islands, Spain. This spatial analysis of anchoring of recreational boating along ...
Drinking water quality is potentially threatened by the release of chemicals that we are producing and using. If these chemicals are water soluble and poorly degradable or if poorl ...
Emerging environmental substances are not necessarily new chemicals. They are substances that have often long been present in the environment but whose presence and significance ar ...
The Emerging Risks of Chemicals in the Environment programme aims to conduct research to predict how the environment and its functioning will respond to chemical exposure. The anti ...
The term ‘emerging contaminants’ is generally used to refer to compounds previously not considered or known to be significant to groundwater (in terms of distribution and/or co ...
The water and waste water sector is facing tremendous challenges to assure safe, cost-effective and sustainable water supply and sanitation services. DEMEAU promotes the uptake of ...
SOLUTIONS will deliver a conceptual framework for the evidence-based development of environmental and water policies. This will integrate innovative chemical and effect-based monit ...
